Situated at: 34°01'42"N 74°49'08"E
Date: Feb 2021 - ongoing
Size and medium: 1280 x 720 pixels. On- site installation
Materials: balloon,air, text, paper, found objects, almond tree and thread.
Here lie forty balloons with forty messages at the badam (almond) station after a brief pre waiting waiting period on tsenun (apricot) station, not all made it to the final waiting room. We are no one to judge
how long is too long for a sound to not suffocate and dissolve.The air is everywhere and holds the memories of
sounds and non sounds in it, has the capacity of both being easy and refreshing and heavy and suffocating.

Posts are still in transit, atleast till they get approved by the ministry of air.
To investigate stories; of people and their everyday is both hard and simple. It entirely depends on what
you think of yourself. If you are here to gather evidence, there is nothing for you. If you are here to listen;
then there is too much to know in this little time. You can stand anywhere and see. It's the air; the fluttering
of moths and the underbreath. So I woke up one day, on a normal normal day and to my surprise there was
just too much sound in this too much air.

These songs of underbreath lie here, whatever I could listen, recall and transliterate.

I have gathered some breaths and fix a post every now and then to be sent to the place of unreachables in
the land of missing. Anyone can go there, it’s actually hard not to. If you can hear what I hear, you would
know like I do, these posts reach them, even the ones you know are leaking.
I am at the top of the delivery waiting list, my friend whose friends used to work in the ministry of air just left to file a missing report for his missing friends,one of which was last seen walking on the seesaw near sharjah ground.
I could fix a post for you; glistening, colourful, sonorous with guaranteed delivery. I charge higher for
for those, you can release it any time; day and night unlike these subsidized ones. You need to be lucky to
get these, only money won’t do.These underbreaths are untraceable.


unreacheable in the land of missing

sub: addresses

(34°01'42"N 74°49'08"E)

land of dozhakhi